Another invader for the Amazon realm.
Zieggenfus says:
Rupert first fully manifested after Tom made a deliberate effort to transfer some of his magic/animus(sp?) to him. This may have provided a boost to the amount of magic available for the creation of his initial form, as well as provide something of a physical template. Also consider he already had the magic and animus of an apprentice wizard available in the form of his then current body. Was Rupert able to utilize his half-demon animus when creating his initial form? These factors combined with the self-image theory Joshua states above adequately explains Rupert’s form and power level in my mind.
If the energy transfer took place, it may also have resulted in a (temporary?) reduction of Tom’s power.
I’m not sure of the time between the attack on the ship and the expulsion, but looking only at Bess and Tom, it appeared that Bess was more susceptible.