A big part of it is the complexity of writing it, to be honest, however, what I decided was that it would not work on a military vessel in battle.
Thus, all that business on the Inferno about the transfer of power from Dante to Heron and the captain. Also, obviously, Dante is still doing it, but people are tuning him out and actively working to interrupt him before he gets going, or we fade away.
Also, as mentioned, Heron is old school, which is very legalistic, but much terser. See Heron’s opening scene in Book 1 when he talks about the younger generation and their “court speak” etc.
And finally, oddly, some people really don’t like it for some reason.
Anyway, that being said, I really would like to punch it up. If you guys can find locations where you think it would be fitting, let me know.
In particular, discussions between Dante and Salvatore (Hesselforthalus) would be one such place.