As a vast and virtuous society, Oorstemoth is ostensibly overly and overtly perhaps a pint too pernicious in it’s vigilant vows to safeguard superiority the auspicious axiomatic Oorstemothian order.
This most blatant of blunders of believing Oorstemoth is perhaps a malefactor is most assuredly antithesis to Oorstemothian order.
Thus Oorstemoth has issued a dictum citing, row three of page 284 of the official Oorstemoth holiday creation guideline, said dictum is a reissue of a dictum issued on the 1st day of the tenth quarter month (Titius) on the 100th year of the post Vargosian calendar, (for those of you unaware of Date Oorstemothian) that was repealed by an infiltration agent of The Church of Tiernon who had successfully infiltrated Oorstemoth but was found to be guilty of Unlicensed Infiltration of an Empire in Affiliation with Oorstemoth or Oorstemoth itself. Said dictum had issued an officially sanctioned Oorstemothian holiday. Said holiday is an alliteratively active holiday frequently shortened by those incapable of pronouncing said soliloquy in a sincere or otherwise properly pronounced manner. the shortened name of said holiday is Oorstemoth Appreciation Day.
the full version in all its gratuitous glory is sadly not possible to fit in this text box. but enough lamenting on a lack of loquaciousness,
let the jovial jamboree justly commence!