Into the Abyss 2nd Edition Cover Sneak Peak

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    I don’t quite see that, if anything I think I like it better than some of the deviant art stuff.

    Also, one thing I did notice is, and it’s a bit of a concern, is that the book cover gets a lot better when it’s blown up to full size.

    The real image is very large, this is a shrunk version and what most people will see in the book store is shrunk smaller yet.

    But if you take it to full screen size it does, in my eye, get better.

    Once released there will be a bigger version on the site. Also if you click on the image in this topic you’ll see a somewhat bigger version.


    There is still marked difference, though I think it is because the book art is less polished compared to the work in the deviantart page. More sketchy.


    I suppose to some extent.

    He actually has a fairly wide set of styles. Initially we were thinking first generation of covers for the Myth Adventure books (the slightly more classic style than the zanier later books)

    But then through discussions just sort of came around to this.

    Here is one he did that is very different in style from most of his other works [url=][/url]

    I think this one is closer in style to the cover we ended up with


    We spent quite a bit of time discussing Tom and ended up going with something like Zodd the Immortal

    He took the three wizards from my images on the site. I was very surprised/pleased with those, they look very classic fantasy ala Darrell K Sweet, Rowena, etc.


    I also prefer the text from the first edition, though otherwise the second edition is better (the orange bar at the top in the first is unnecessary). The only concern with the first edition is the text size might be a little small when viewed on thumbnails, so personally I’d go with the background of the second, the text placement and style of the first, and then just increase the text size a little.

    But either way, they’re much better than the original cover of the book – very nice!


    Double post, sorry. Website is a little slow and I clicked “post” twice :(.


    That’s the key point I “want” to hear.

    My dread is that have spent the money on an actual artist for the cover, everyone will go. “Oh, the first was so much better, you shouldn’t have wasted the money!”


    [quote=The Author Guy;2041]That’s the key point I “want” to hear.

    My dread is that have spent the money on an actual artist for the cover, everyone will go. “Oh, the first was so much better, you shouldn’t have wasted the money!”[/quote]

    There’s a joke art of your cover I think from someguy that does spoofs on book art, for the life of me I can’t remember where I saw it but it made me chuckle. Tom had a really silly look on his face. Hmm I am going to feel silly if it wa from here.. But I shall hit post anyways!

    Wanted to add your cover art is what cought my eye and made me stop to buy the book. It was original.


    Is that the deviantart one?


    I found those cartoons by google last summer. I was like “cool” if it gets you to look at the book to try to figure out what’s up and then get sucked in.

    In that sense, I do think the first cover was successful in that “what the hell is this?” attraction.

    I wanted to do the 2nd edition and I figure let’s fix this cover…but what I am concerned about as well is, “yes it’s better” but does it stand out as much.

    Particularly in a long row of little book images that all look about the same.


    Well since I already read the book I do like how the new cover really shows how scary Tom looks along with his size.

    The original cover you don’t really get that feel of how big Tom really is.

    Luckily for me I get to appreciate both.


    There are snakes with scales like that:

    [img=]Bush Viper[/img]

    [img=]feathered tree viper[/img]


    Oooh. Cool point!

    Neat snakes!




    [quote=The Author Guy;2058]And his original face isn’t as scary.[/quote]

    You might not like to hear this then, but the when I first saw the new face I had the urge to laugh. It’s like Tom is saying, “What you looking at, eh? You looking at me? Are [b]you[/b] looking at [b]me[/b]?”


    Well that’s not any worse than what I heard about the first cover…and I did that myself…


    Yeah the face is a bit weird, he is supposed to be looking at his hand in astonishment at the transformation. But unless/until you realize that, it’s a weird look.

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