Status Update
OK, it is taking longer than expected, but that’s because I am going over the entire book from start to finish doing an edit…wow lots of horrible typos in the second half.
And as I work stuff in I have to update a lot of stuff to maintain continuity and have things make sense going forward
But, I think I am adding scenes/details stuff that should tie things together so they make more sense. I have to say I am pleased how adding these things is actually improving the long term story as much as the short term story in this book.
Right now, I am closing in on the ceremony. Working on a big Exador thing right now, which will result in substantial changes and surprises for Hilda and Damien when they return from their respective journeys (in beta 2, she is in drinking with the orcs at the moment, and Damien is waiting for the ceremony to start). Let’s just say we will resolve the Council’s conundrum on what to do about Exador and friends.
So biggest thing after that will be reworking the demons vs d’orcs, not completely sure there yet.
Hope to have Beta 2 posted by late Friday.