alright first off in
chapter 144
Citadel of Light,
Shrine of Doom: Late
Fourth Period
Karis Crooked Stick is waiting for word from mount doom.
the gate opens and out steps.
There were three human sized people to the front with a very large, ugly
winged orc behind them.
skip to 145
its suddenly
Citadel of Light,
Shrine of Doom: Mid-
Fourth Period
some how we travel back in time a half period.
then he De-summons and summons Targh.
then skipping to the meeting.
Citadel Command
Center: Late Fourth Period
Behind Karis came two knights in armor,
one with a large cloak, behind them was some sort of young wizard with
curly black hair and a seriously magical metal staff with a demon’s skull on
top. Flanking the wizard were two of the scariest looking D’Orcs
Teragdor had ever seen; although given that he had only seen about a
dozen D’Orcs in his life, that was not as strong of a statement as it might
have been.
suddenly there are 2 D’Orcs.
Targh Bowelsplitter and Darg-Krallnom
so when he is summoning Targh Bowelsplitter he should also summon Darg-Krallnom or have him also step out of the travel gate.
so that a second D’Orc just doesn’t just pop up out of no where.
during the Citadel Command Center: Late Fourth Period scene.