Alpha 3 – Chapter 141: Citadel Scenes

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    Grob nodded, “Indeed, we need to get everyone in. The Shield, Rangers and Sky Wardens have been out all day sweeping the inner regions for anyone still out there. There are still quite a number of groups on the roads. They will also be acting as a shield against the advanced forces, in case any arrive earlier than expected.”

    “What is the nature of the advanced forces? Will they go to ground with daylight?” Hilda asked.

    “That is [color=red]typical[/color], [color=red]typically[/color] the advanced forces are vampires, dhampyrs, ghasts, ghouls and, [color=red]typically[/color], a few specters.” Grob informed her, and the rest of the off worlders. “They [color=red]typically[/color] go to ground relying on the ghasts and ghouls, under the direction of senior dhampyrs to take guard rotations.”

    “Do you work to root out these nests?” Timbly asked.

    Typical is overused here. Reworded to reduce that and to also give a bit more milspeak feel:

    Grob nodded, “Indeed, we need to get everyone in. The Shield, Rangers and Sky Wardens have been out all day sweeping the inner regions for anyone still out there. There are still quite a number of groups on the roads. They will also be acting as a shield against the advanced forces, in case any arrive earlier than expected.”

    “What is the nature of the advanced forces? Will they go to ground with daylight?” Hilda asked.

    “That is their standard tactic. The advance forces are typically vampires (vampyrs?), dhampyrs, ghasts, ghouls, and sometimes a few specters.” Grob informed her and the rest of the off-worlders. “Normally they go to ground relying on the ghasts and ghouls, under the direction of senior dhampyrs, to take guard rotations.

    “Do you work to root out these nests?” Timbly asked.


    Fixed with your rewording.

    No on the vampyrs. It’s explained elsewhere, I believe, that vampyrs aren’t really good at recon work as they have too little self-control and tend to eat the first tasty thing they see, and when doing recon, that may not be the best options.

    They are also very messy eaters.

    These are the super toothy, blood starved, animalistic blood suckers. They are too hungry to think straight. I think it’s because they are very inefficient in processing and digesting blood. See the description of Rede’s fangs, which are like a vampires fangs. Vampyrs just drink the blood down their throat into the stomach.

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