Alpha 1 – Tisdale the Wizard

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    I’ll invite others to chime in with their opinions but i think your banging this particular drum a bit too loudly or perhaps just too often?

    the references to tisdale the wizard are perhaps too many, too often, and perhaps not quite subtle enough, i don’t know for sure where the references are leading but ive got a pretty good idea

    this reference mentioned and repeated as often as it is in this version i can only conclude that it is of critical importance to the story and it is intended to be an obvious drawn conclusion for the reader on the nature of tisdale the wizard. not that this is bad, but perhaps a greater degree of subtlety is in order?

    maybe someone else can add their own thoughts but i feel a bit like ive been beaten over the head with tisdale the wizard


    Good thing to note.

    I was afraid it was too subtle before. May have overkilled it in this pass. It’s easy enough to not name the wizard involved with the Dark Apostle.

    It really is also a question of how much people pay attention to the timeline. I need to only mention him once in the correct time period to associate him.


    [quote=The Author Guy;4360]Good thing to note.

    I was afraid it was too subtle before. [/Quote]You might have been. Did’nt notice the other times[Quote]May have overkilled it in this pass. [/Quote]did notice it at this Point. But not because of the Name per se. But because of Exadors foot in his mouth.

    [quote]It’s easy enough to not name the wizard involved with the Dark Apostle.

    It really is also a question of how much people pay attention to the timeline. I need to only mention him once in the correct time period to associate him.
    [/quote]I’m Guilty. Did not look at the timeline o:)


    That timeline actually has a lot of hints.

    I’ve added to it recently, but mainly as extensions in time that reveal stuff I did not want revealed earlier (like Mount Doom)…but there are hints about Exador, Ramses, Tisdale, Oorstemoth even in the very first timeline from Book 1.

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