Reply To: Changing your profile–Upload Avatar

Welcome To Astlan Forums This Website Forum Changing your profile–Upload Avatar Reply To: Changing your profile–Upload Avatar



OK, ran across a confusing point. The forum is a module of the main site that inherits user settings from the main site, but also has some settings of it’s own.

In order to modify your user profile, and for example upload an Avatar you need to edit your “Site” profile.

To do this, go to the “top most menu” underneath “The Council of Wizardry Welcomes You To Astlan”

There you see: “Home|The Books|COW Tumblr|Facebook|GoodReads|Logout|

Click on on the far right…this brings up your Activity Feed that shows all your activity and social interactions.
From there you will see an edit profile button.

Clicking on that will allow you to upload an avatar and add any personal information.

Hollar in this forum if you have questions.
