I find it rather bemusing that anyone would even bring up the word “failure” in a forum topic I have graced with my commentary.
I have no patience for failure, failure is not an option to be discussed.
Now to correct the record:
[quote]Success leads to genius and failure leads to insanity.[/quote]
Correctly stated:
[u][b]Genius[/b][/u] leads to Success; Failure leads to [i][b]Obscurity and Irrelevance.[/b][/i]
History is a very harsh mistress and it is determined by the successful.
I suppose, should I wax philosophical, I might point out that the only thing good about that word, “failure” is that, eventually people who fail are forgotten by history and so no one remembers that one failed. In fact, they simply forget that the person who failed ever existed.
If that is not Existential Justice, then I don’t know what is.