Beta 1 – Why did Orcus have necromancers in his forces?

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    [quote=Korwin;5770][quote=The Author Guy;5587]I also note that he says good allies of the orcs, not necessarily the D’Orcs…

    Orcus doesn’t represent all orcs, and orcs are often mercenaries, or act as them.


    He got an Doomaloge, which he then stole. So it seems he was an ally of Orcus.
    Not shure about, why Sauron is an Necromancer, btw.

    I would chalk it up to after the fact cursing at an traitor.[/quote]

    They (D’Orcs) didn’t know he was a necromancer, that he was Sauron.

    The Necromancer was the guise of Sauron in the Hobbit. He was a shapeshifter, a fallen maia, he tricked a lot of people and wore various guises throughout time, which is how he got the rings made in the first place, they didn’t think they were making them for Sauron.

    So to be fair, he really wasn’t a “necromancer” at all in the sense we are talking about it here, although he practiced necromancy and used Unlife. He was actually very powerful being pretending to be something below his actual status.


    In book 2, I believe the discussion you are talking about is the one in the cave with Antefalken and Tizzy.

    They are talking about generic FOE and FOE armies, speaking in Antefalken’s case from common misperception, from Tizzy’s POV? who knows?

    He had warlocks and shamans but no necromancers.

    I think Tom needs to ask Tizzy about this when they are discussing the Unlife to clear this up.

    Good catch!





    [quote=The Author Guy;5773]a fallen maia[/quote]


    D’Orcs admitted the Mt. Doom worked w/ necromancers.

    “Not always; the Drow and most of the Dok Sidhe have been good allies of the orcs,” Vargg noted.

    “Not all of our allies have been completely reliable. Many of the so-called ‘dark races’ are a bit unhinged,” Darg-Krallnom noted to Tom on the side.

    “I will never work with necromancers again,” Roth stated firmly. “Bad news.”


    If Orcus is so opposed to unlife that the 5S consider him working with them to be antithetical then which in Book 2 does FOE includes necromancers? Even if working with them is bad news and they never want to do it again it does imply that Orcus led armies of unlife (sort of) via his necromancers.

    and this was within the last 50,000 years.


    maybe Roth worked with the necromancers when he was an orc.
    since orcs tend to be one of the forces of evil main units.

    they tend to be the elite grunts of most dark side armies.


    I’m going with that answer….

    However, was this admission in book 2 or book 3.

    See this is what happens when you get on a “writing” high, you spit out what sounds like witty conversation and you end up sabatoging your own plot because you don’t think through the consequences of statements like this.


    I also note that he says good allies of the orcs, not necessarily the D’Orcs…

    Orcus doesn’t represent all orcs, and orcs are often mercenaries, or act as them.


    Roth made that statement in book 2.


    Well, yes in book 3. In book 2 however the tone indicates they knowingly allied with necromancers and other “Forces of Evil” so long as they were actually being maligned rather than being truly evil.


    Gunpowder was a pain in the castle door, and walls, cannons were very expensive for castle owners. Kept knocking the crap out of the walls.

    Remember this is Antefalken talking about a very long ballad written by the “winners” so it was all propaganda.


    Excellent point!

    Now one other thing to keep in mind. Necromancers are not necessarily Unlife themselves. Yes, the liches are neromancers and Unlife, but most people think of them as Liches First, Necromancers Second.

    So when people say necromancers they typically mean mortal wizards practicing necromancy.

    Of course, “The Necromancer” from ME was a special case, he fooled a lot of people.


    They worked with one famous necromancer, and that obviously would put a bad taste in their mouth, but it is currently written like that was a surprise that he was a necro. Maybe Middle Earth makes strange bedfellows for the FOE.

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