Ah, the Rosencrantzes and Guildensterns…
Yeah, you ever see Travelers? That Netflix show where Will Truman [of Will and Grace] (and thousands of others) gets their mind overridden by people from the future?
Yeah, it’s not quite that thorough. There are some glitches with it. I’ve known a number of them. I have to say, not really a fan of the process. I feel it’s a bit unethical. Some poor sap gets demonized and then overwritten. Ugh.
However, if that were the case for Tom, he wouldn’t remember much of his past, except as nightmares/dreams. He’s sort of experiencing the reverse of that…more like “Tom” was imprinted on Orcus….or Tom’s past life memory is stored on bio-floppy disks that are slow to load.
And there are a few other possibilities that I could mention after you overhear certain things in Book IV but…
Now, don’t tell them, because I really like both Tom and Rupert, but both are bit ugly to be my children…no offense…but you have to admit they are missing some limbs–clearly off putting. Reggie on the other hand, is mildly attractive, he’s only partially debilitated, missing a pair of legs, but fine on the arm front.