Forum Replies Created
Member“Hmm, for authenticity, I had not planned to, but my [b]principle[/b] target there knows who I am.”
MemberNot going to create new topics for every “principle”, just for the principal.
108.1 “Dresdech, their local host, Seamach’s principle contact rose to answer the door.”
108.4 “Yes, our principle field agent for Astlan is quite industrious and is very good at gathering information discreetly.”
110.4 “Her principle objective of anchoring had now been achieved.”
Clerics: Priests, Monks, Nuns and Holy Warriors: “Priests are the principle agents of the deities on Astlan.”
“Heretical individuals might even go so far as to suggest that the principle difference between demons and angels is that angels are in the service of the gods and demons are not.”
“We also provide the principle deities of the hybrid races along with a great number of Sidhe, simply known as the Gods of the Grove.”
“Very brief mention of an Alvaran pantheon the El’adasir is also listed simply because their principle deity is mentioned by the Alvar; however very little is known about the religion outside Alvaran realms.”
A whole bunch more in the addenda.
Membercomplement / compliment
94B.1 “Chef Jerod, you are a true genius!” Trisfelt [b]compliment[/b] the chef. “Never have I had such a delicious preparation of jahiva fish, the citrus marmalade was an incredible touch that perfectly [b]complimented[/b] the fish’s spiciness. And the soup, as I said after eating it was heavenly.”
The first “compliment” should be “complimented”. The second “compliment” should be “complement”.
fair/fare no errors found
To be continued…
MemberAll uses of fair / fare were correct, no errors found. Just a reminder where I stopped with the homonym check.
MemberThis one was sent in by Rod Member Richard “Tip” Wang:
affect / effect
80.1: “Among other affects, it was quite intoxicating to demons.”
106B: “It had to be some sort of magical affect, such as the ones swords were, in fact, known for under various conditions.”
106B.4: “Thus against foreign demons, most wizards were forced to use traditional non-demon spells which had varying affects.”
The last two are a bit marginal. Could go either way.
MemberAll of your effects were correct, only a few affects were problematic.
Don’t beat yourself up harder than it takes to regenerate while watching a single episode of The West Wing.
Member“No, if I had been able to move, I could have [b]dove[/b] through the portal.”
“could have dived” is the conditional perfect form of to dive.
Member“Lord Tommus stepped through, [b]Tommus[/b] and the nearby orcs all stepped back, overcome by the awesome sight of their lord.”
Tal Gor?
Member“He was feeling pressured and [b]warn[/b] out again.”
worn out
Member“As he entered Jenn [b]tppl[/b] a soft but sharp indrawn breath.”
MemberWell, the POV is on Gastropé, so either way works.
Member“You see, in order for the djinn to move against you, you would need to attack Crispin in a manner unprovoked by [b]ether[/b] of us.”
Member“Your minions will be [b]discrete[/b]?”
Member“Excellent, then we shall look towards that as our [b]principle[/b] objective”
MemberPing, just registered as a Homonym Demon.