Does an ICBM with a nuclear war head count as terrorising?
Only if a crazy guy wearing a cowboy hat, or a strange orange varmint, on his head is riding it, and heading towards you.
Also being India living right next to Pakistan is a great way to feel scared I have nothing against Pakistani people but I have no faith in their government or their army, but I agree drop ships are definitely scarier. I mean bombs in marketplaces vaporise you. Orcs dismember you. Important difference. I would love to see that happen, the confrontation between two races. Crazy.
Better to be living in India next to Pakistan, than Afghanistan next to Pakistan, or anywhere in Afghanistan for that matter. Plus, the great thing about living in India is you can always find something hot enough to eat that the gut wrenching agony in your stomach keeps your mind off of your imminent demise.
Actually, you bring up a good point. You get vaporized, it’s very quick and relatively painless, (note this does not apply to a C.o.D. those hurt pretty bad) whereas you may live in extreme agony for a few minutes as your limbs are hacked off and your blood pumps out like in those very realistic Monty Python sketches. [i]Tis but a flesh wound.[/i]