Well, part of the deal is that I let him sleep without interruption for 8 hours every night. He doesn’t always, but it’s not becauuse I am talking in his ear.
If he doesn’t write (and he was very lazy the last half of last year) I sit there and repeat the story I want him to tell over and over again.
Now, there had been these other guys trying to tell their stories, but for the last few years I’ve been able to generally keep them at bay. They also come to him telling him their stories and try to get him to write them down and I am not pleased as it takes away from him writing down what I want him to write down.
The only way he avoids hearing the same one or two chapters over and over again every single night and waking moment is to write them down, and then, I generously move onto the next couple chapters. If he writes them down, then he gets to sleep for 8 hours before I resume telling him the next chapters.