I think he has a typically naive view of Tierhallon (heaven)
However, we know from elsewhere, a discussion involving Hilda, I am sure, that Tiernon’s people get to go to Tierhallon and get to rest, party, enjoy themselves as long as they want, until they get bored and ask to return.
Now, what do the teaching say? Probably a bill of goods that says “spend eternity in Tierhallon” the reality of eternity is generally not something most people, in any society are prepared to understand. That’s why some people think the earth is only 5,776 years old. The concept of a billion years, let alone 13.2 billion and possibly infinite billions going forward is simply inconceivable.
So, you go to heaven for a few thousand years, maybe you find contentment and move “on” meeting the same end as the atheists and shamans and druid followers. Or maybe you choose to take another spin at the wheel and reincarnate.
I look at reincarnation as an actor being cast in a new role in the soap opera of life.