D’Orcs in Nysegard

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    You would think the D’Orcs would connect with the local tribes to help guard the local Doomalogues.

    Also, there would almost would be something guarding the local dooms. No way Orcus, the chessmaster, would pull all his troops away.


    Maybe there weren’t any shamans on the other planes because they had been summoned to assist on Etterdam?

    To explain why the other Doomalogues haven’t done much, maybe they are all under attack by the Unlife? Or they were attacked once their links went down, and we know Unlife can permakill D’orcs.


    Well, the answer has to be NO because in book 2 we have this bit:

    Ragala-nargoloth blinked as the world shifted around her. Suddenly she found herself not in her tent but in some sort of stone temple between two columns. Instead of the small stone talisman, there was a bright silver talisman in her lap that she, or rather her dream self was clutching. Her head was reeling and she felt incredibly disoriented.

    She looked around the room to see several very odd-looking orcs with wings and hooves. [color=red]D’Orcs? They could not be; D’Orcs were long gone from the localverse.[/color] As she eyed the apparent impossibilities, she suddenly recognized one from a stone painting in one of the tribe’s holy sites.

    So, Nysegard never got in communication w/ Etterdam or the rest of the localverse. Nor did the Nysegard shamans get the wake-up call in book 2. Presumably they lost the Talisman of Orcus or it was destroyed.


    There would have been mortal shamans.


    Oooooh, I thought you meant all the mortal shamans were summoned. It’s just that know that isn’t true since D’Orcs shamans remained at Nysegard.

    Even if the D’Orcs shamans were all gone the local non-shaman D’Orc guard for the Doomalogues could have gotten in contact w/ the mortal shamans and D’Orc warriors.

    Now, maybe Nét and Aodh have been waging a war these last 4000 years to eliminate orcs from the multiverse, but I don’t get that impression outside of Etterdam.


    Good question.

    No idea.


    Need to figure that one out. Perhaps they did to some. Big problem would have been that Orcus took like half the people from each Doomalogue. Because they really didn’t need the personal links that the orcs on the other realms use, they would not have had a whole lot of “personal links” that didn’t route through Doom.

    However, there had to be some, say half of those or so got sent away with orcus and were thus gone, you would think any first generation shamans would have been able to contact a few other D’Orcs in other Doomalogues.

    This needs to be addressed when they are discussing Doomalogues.

    In fact, that would probably be a better strategy for figuring out what to open first….


    One thing to keep in mind about the other Doom’s.

    Nysegard was the most heavily manned by D’Orc due to the Storm Lords, my guess is that the others had far fewer.

    And if D’Orcus took say half? You might have only had a dozen or fewer D’Orcs with a largely mortal staff. If I were to guess, they would have hunkered down to protect.

    I do think I should add something to the discovery of Doomalogues by Tom that a few of them had checked in, but by and large didn’t have the resources to aid much. For others, there might not have been that many shaman’s, maybe one or at most two, and if their contacts in Doom all died, they would not have had the links.

    HOWEVER: You would think that there would be summoning stones for some of them in the Temple of Doom.

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