Beta 2 typos

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  • #4402

    [quote=The Author Guy;2583]Actually, I say businessorc like businessman. This is one of those contractions that happens when a term is very common.

    I suppose technically I should say business orc if my reference point is human/someone unfamiliar with orcs.

    Whereas if my perspective is that of an orc, I could say businessorc.

    This is from the human perspective so business orc should be correct.[/quote]
    Yeah, wasn’t shure about that one.
    And I figured the hir out, after posting :-k


    Thanks, updated all but the last.

    “Hir” is correct, you will notice I used it quite a bit in this section.

    Hir is the science fiction derived gender neutral/hermaphroditic form of his/her etc.

    You seldom see it in Fantasy, but it used to be very common in early science fiction where we were introduced to alien civilizations.

    Djinn have no gender, they take something pleasing to their master/mistress.

    Truth be told, one of the big perks of being an ‘enslaved’ genie is that 1) you get a physical body and 2) you get to have sex. They love physical sex, it is so very very different from the way djinn normally interact with others. Very personal/intimate, but yet in isolated bodies unable to fully commune with the other as djinn do.

    Remember everyone to switch to beta 3!


    Actually, I say businessorc like businessman. This is one of those contractions that happens when a term is very common.

    I suppose technically I should say business orc if my reference point is human/someone unfamiliar with orcs.

    Whereas if my perspective is that of an orc, I could say businessorc.

    This is from the human perspective so business orc should be correct.


    Except it is being said by an orc…hmmm…


    ~(83.8)[quote]“He is a threat to [b]use[/b]. The Anilords were a threat to us, and the various Ramses were particularly annoying.” Elraith [b]notd[/b][/quote]threat to us

    ~(87.3)[quote]Gastropé shook his head slightly as if to clear it. He quickly spoke the words necessary to invoke his wizard [b]site[/b] and stared down to his chest.[/quote]sight

    [quote][b]The[/b] floated over the cloud for perhaps a minute when Gastropé spotted what appeared to be a man in a long coat and large hat waving at them.[/quote]They





    [quote]“Rested?” Barabus [b]as[/b] the Arch-Diocate.[/quote]asked?

    [QUOTE]Tom’s jaw [b]and[/b] been wide open the entire time[/quote]had

    [quote]As he entered Jenn [b]tppl[/b] a soft but sharp indrawn breath.[/quote]drew?[quote]“Would be shitty [b]businessorc[/b] if I[/quote]

    [quote][b]Hir[/b] delays were always due to poor time management and organizational skills, yet the witty diatribe of reasons were always fascinating and engaging.[/quote]His


    Have you or anyone seen it used much in recent stuff?

    I don’t read as much hard core ‘outer space’ SF as I used to, (mainly because after going through umpteen years of physics to get a phd, maliciously bad science is harder for me to ‘suspend disbelief’ than “magic”) so I read more Fantasy, or close time period SF (e.g. cyberpunk/dystopia) rather than space opera SF

    So I am not sure if it’s used as much today.

    That will, of course change for me when I eventually get to the Oak Orcs of the Antilles (or whatever I call it) with Trig Bioblast and the OCSS Skull Crusher fighting the invading CyberElves and Space Dragons!

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