Alpha0 – Chapter 138

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  • #5869

    Good point.

    Something I realized after book 2 was in print. The demon/god language should be multiversal not universal.


    “Denubian CraftmanshipTM is well known, they are some of the best builders and engineers in the universe.

    universe or multiverse? In fact, it would probably be a good idea to check all instances of “verse” to make sure it is correctly localverse vs. multiverse. I’m not sure in what situation one says universe.


    Still says universe when meaning multiverse.

    The major-domo demon shrugged. “Denubian CraftmanshipTM is well known, they are some of the best builders and engineers in the [color=red]universe[/color]. If they can DenubaformTM an entire planet in 7 days, what’s a little fortress in the Abyss?”


    See it, please reply to bring it back to my attention in the morning (going to bed now)

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