Alpha Reporting–Chapter 123

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    First rule of Tartarus: You do not talk about Tartarus
    Second rule of Tartarus: You do not talk about the Tartarvardenennead
    Third rule of Tartarus: You really do not want to admit to being a client of Tartarus (because friends of whoever you locked up will be pissed)

    Obviously, Zeus and friends blew rule 3…so woops, what are you going to do? And quite frankly, Zeus’ ego is such that he really doesn’t care…

    But more importantly to Tiernon and the Five Siblings: They cannot admit to having locked up their parents who are also gods, one of whom is an Olympian. The Olympians would be really pissed to know that one of them was locked up there without Zeus’ approval. Officially, their “Holy Parents” are just MIA, wondering the multiverse or something.

    Tiernon cannot punish Sentir Fallon for going overboard because to do so would reveal that 1) Orcus was the warden of Tartarus 2) Tartarus is now “unguarded” and 3) How they knew about it and who did they have locked up there.

    So Tiernon’s hands were tied. Since no one knew he had anyone locked up there, they can’t “officially” get mad at him for allowing his minion to kill Orcus. For all they can prove, he (Tiernon) did not realize what his minion had done.

    We can also assume the Net would not know that Orcus was running Tartarus, they are mortal enemies. Lilith clearly did not, nor would Sentir Fallon.

    I think I should have more dialog with Tiernon and Torean to cover this.


    It would be good to have this explained to the reader…..possibly during the scene where Tom is shown Tartarus….maybe by Phaestu and Volund

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