Beta 1
There was now a ten-foot diameter circular hole in the middle of his deck! Asmeth shook his head and stared down into a circular pit, for that was what it clearly was. A hole in the middle of his deck! This pit, which was apparently somehow superimposed on the deck below them, was about ten feet deep, with oddly smooth gray walls. There was a ladder leaning against one of the walls leading up to the lip of the pit. [u]Several crew members began murmuring in concern. Sailors did not like holes in their ships. Particularly, large round holes.[/u] At the base of the ladder, at the bottom of the round pit was furniture! Essentially, it was a round, pit shaped room furnished with a bunk bed, a writing desk, two chairs along with a bookcase, a hall tree and two candelabras with well-used candles. There were also a couple of rectangular chests stacked on top of each other, all sitting on a large round area rug at the base of the pit. “What the Abyss?” Captain Asmeth asked staring into the room that had just been unfolded before them. [u]Several crewmates where whispering and making religious gestures to protect themselves. This was not something one wanted to see on the deck of one’s ship.[/u]
Redundant / repeat of underlined text.