Excellent feedback.
I now think we will also have a cover beta discussion here for both the next book and the 2nd edition of this book.
Sometime before the next book’s release, I am planning on doing a 2nd edition of the first book.
[i][b]No, no revision of “history”[/b][/i]
I will simply get it professionally edited and cleaned up, move the appendices to the rear with links, clean up fonts/tables etc for Kindle.
(there was a sale on Paper Whites a few weeks back and I got one–previously I’d read on my iPad, Asus Memo Pad, or various cell phones which are all color etc–actually the real big bonus is the access to the KLL-there were several books out there on my list to read) [u][/u]
I may at that time change the cover if I can find an artist I like and who’s available.
I’d reached out to a couple but they were all pretty booked solid. All these guys want long term gigs with card art companies for hundreds of images…or so it seems.
So anyway, I promise that there will be no need to get the 2nd edition if you have the first…although if someone read it on KU/KLL getting the 2nd edition on a Countdown might be worthwhile.