Reply To: e-Book Formatting

Welcome To Astlan Forums e-Book Technical Issues e-Book Formatting Reply To: e-Book Formatting



This forum is for reporting/discussing/asking about e-book format issues.

There are a huge number of devices and e-book stores all of which like to mutate what we send into whatever you might get.
So what you see, might not look like we intended. Please report problems with formatting in your e-book here and we will work to correct it, both at the store and for you directly.

In particular if your formatting is screwy, let me know and I’ll work to get you a corrected one. I just need your receipt for the e-book purchase.
You can send that to me privately via:

A Private Message in this forum. (email link at top of this page next to logged in as). A general User to User message which you can do from your Astlan.Net profile page (click on your name in the top row) or by email me at tizzy at astlan dot net translated into emailese.

Now, in particular we know that the “Interludes” on older kindles are very hard to see. This is is because the kindle e-book is in color and those interludes are orange (and they’re also in a funky font on some devices). We really need to have a color and b&w version. We are looking into that.

In the meantime there are two options:

1) contact me with your receipt and I’ll send you a b&w mobi file that will open in a kindle reader and if you should be able to send it to your kindle.
2) Read the interludes/articles here on this site. They are all here along with more articles
