Beta 2 – Big fortresses

Welcome To Astlan Forums Complex Issues or Questions Beta 2 – Big fortresses

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    [quote]He had never seen, nor even imagined, a fortress on this scale. It was quite daunting.[/quote]
    Isn’t Mt Doom a fortress that is several orders of magnitude bigger and nastier than the Citadel of Light? The Citadel seems like something that would have previously impressed him but not so much anymore. Similar to how he wasn’t feeling the standard level of awe when in the presence of the avatars of his God.


    [quote=Giwdul;5972][quote]He had never seen, nor even imagined, a fortress on this scale. It was quite daunting.[/quote]
    Isn’t Mt Doom a fortress that is several orders of magnitude bigger and nastier than the Citadel of Light? The Citadel seems like something that would have previously impressed him but not so much anymore. Similar to how he wasn’t feeling the standard level of awe when in the presence of the avatars of his God.[/quote]

    Good point.

    Does this clarification help?

    [color=blue]He had never seen, nor even imagined, a man made fortress on this scale. [/color]

    The big difference in Talarius’ mind is that the Citadel is a giant carved stone block castle, whereas Doom is a volcano with a labyrinth.

    So from his point of view, Doom, while technically a fortress he see it as more of a giant dungeon. Sitting on top of something just indescribably weird in terms of his world view.


    Mt. Doom just looks like a mountain. The fortress is buried inside so he’s never see things like massive walls even though *technically* the walls are just the mountainside.


    Also to add clarity appended this to the paragraph

    Talarius stood observing the obscenely large army of the dead surrounding the Citadel. He was on a balcony down the hall from the Command Center. He shook his head; this was his first true view of the Citadel as a whole. It certainly lived up to its name. He had never seen, nor even imagined, [color=blue]a man made [/color]fortress on this scale. It was quite daunting. [color=blue]As was the Unlife army arrayed around the mighty fortress.[/color]

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