alpha0 – chapter 134 Mount Doom: Early Sixth Period

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    Good point. Need to think about this and do some rereading and clarify.

    But yes, as I recall, Volund is not much into the “damn cookies” I think was a phrase he used back when Orcus was alive.


    Volund prefers smoking it, rather than to eat it(?)


    Mount Doom: Early Sixth Period


    chapter 134
    Mount Doom: Early Sixth Period

    “Idea lad?” Boggy asked.
    “Well, I, and I suspect Völund, still have a stash of cookies we could use.”
    Reggie said rather hesitantly.

    should’t Völund be replaced with Phaestus

    i remember Völund just getting drunk.

    reggie and phaestus were the ones who cookied.


    [quote]“Well, I have, and we,” he glanced to Phaestus, “suspect Völund, may have a stash of cookies we could use.” Reggie said rather hesitantly.
    “As I recall he did not eat any cookies at the party.” Boggy said.
    Phaestus nodded. “As I told Reggie, Völund does not ‘officially’ eat cookies, millennia ago he used to complain that cookies were slowing people down, making them lazy. However, at the party I did notice him pocketing a good number.” The god grinned.
    Tom [/quote]

    How does this sound?


    pretty good seems like Völund likes smoking it more than eating it as a cookie.

    since he was smoking it during their brain storming session 54,760+ or so years ago.


    demon weed


    I think he does enjoy it, but was probably getting grumpy about too many people with shaky work ethics to begin with sitting around being stoned all day.

    Also the edibles can zonk you far faster than smoking. He probably just uses it medicinally for chronic pain in his leg and to take the edge off his anxiety.

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