Alpha0 – Appendix 1

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    Formatting is really bad on epub on tablet and is likely to be bad on Kindle. The problem is the indentations of the bulleted lists are too far rightward. Basically the bullet leaves the left-HALF of the screen as white space.


    Agreed, you cannot believe how much time I “waste” on formatting for the kindle.

    I worry about the kindle formatting after I get it back from the editor.

    At that point I have to have one format for the Paperback and another one for the kindle and then what looks good on a new kindle is crap on an old kindle and my head spins and I have to submit bug reports to the kindle team because they can’t import some table/line formats properly.

    It takes a solid two weeks to get the books through the publishing process at Amazon. First book I did on B&N, Smashwords and Playstore…that took forever.


    Targella is in some ways quite different than other worlds within the multiverse. Oddly, among the majority of races, human, alfar, orc, dwarven, more often than not the societies are matrimonial rather than patrimonial. It is unclear why this would be so widespread, but it is often disturbing to travelers from strong paternalistic cultures.

    Shouldn’t this be matriarchal and patriarchal?


    Yes….sheesh…my brain just doesn’t function somedays.

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