Random thought – Mount Doom Mana pool, Tom, Shamans & Warlocks

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    After thinking about Tal Gor’s fight and needing to ask for Tom’s instruction and Tom only having a few minutes to spare at the time before the creating the first D’Orc shaman….starting thinking back to book 2 where it was mentioned that Orcus would / could assist his shamans & warlocks with mana……would it occur to Tom there may come a time when he is busy and can’t supply mana / help to shamans / warlocks in need of assistance especially now that the number is starting to grow…..and maybe thinking of a way that the shamans & warlocks could access Mount Dooms mana pool, like the priests / saints of the Gods do with their mana pools????


    Exactly my plan!

    He will be thinking about this a lot in the as yet unseen last 20%.

    I like to end these things with a new big bag of tricks for Tom, he’s going to be pulling out some eye-popping fun along this line.

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